Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Humble,lemah lembut,sopan santun...=)
If i can,i wnt to be like her....tp mslhnye saye xblh...klau blh pn mst kejap je...pas2 mst kembali kpd bentuk yg asal...hehehehe.,tp klau blh saye xnk la b'lakon..tu jd org lain name nye...Tp klau kite nak berubah jd lebih baik xslh kn2???heeee~
Syukur Alhamdulillah..........
Saye sentiase d'pertemukan dgn org2 yg humble, lemah lembut dan sopan santun...it means tak kasar...nada kata sentise sedap didengar dan baik budi bicaranya...even diorg guys tp tutur kate diorg tetap lembut...kadang2 'beku' saye dibuatnye...hehehehe...Sejuk je hati bile dengar... =)
Saye pun tak pasti knp.,mgkin sbb saye nie kasar org nye...sbb tu always jumpe dgn lawannye...Saye pernah kena tegur ngn someone ''awak nie kasar la''..mule2 mmg t'kjut jgk...hati saye sentap gak la time tu...''alamak,kasar ke saye nie???...''mungkin kot klau x asal ade yg tegur...hehehehehe...time kasih taw sbb sudi tegur saye sbb klau x,smpai skrg saye xtawu...heee~
Thanks God..........
Sbb slalu p'temukan saye dgn org2 yg lemah lembut dan sopan santun...Terutamenye pd org2 yg pernah dtg dlm 'life' saye...'thank you' so muchhhh ea!!!! Sblum tu maafkan saye ea kpd sape2 yg terase hati ngn saye sbb always cakap ikut suke je...hehehehe...Sori taw!!!!!!!!!!! Kamu sume akan sentiase jd inspirasi saye... =)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Insha Allah................=)
You feel so lost and
That you’re so alone
All you see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair n’ never loose hope
Cos’ Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah...Insha Allah...
Insha Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah...Insha Allah...
Every time you can make one more mistake
You feel you can’t repent And that it’s why too late
You’re so confused,
Wrong decisions you have made
Hunt your mind and your heart is full of shame
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cos’ Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah...Insha Allah...
Insha Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah...Insha Allah...
Insha Allah you’ll find your way
Turn to Allah He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him Raise your hands and pray Oh
Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way.,showed me the way
Insha Allah...Insha Allah...
Insha Allah we’ll find our way
Setiap yg berlaku pasti ade hikmahnye....without mistakes manusia xmungkin dapat belajar utk menjadi manusia yg lebih baik...every mistake that we have done actually can give us more experience and from there we will learn it...Tanpa kesilapan tak mgkin ade penyesalan.,tanpa penyesalan xmgkin ade pengajaran.,tanpa pengajaran xmugkin ade kesedaran...that's why it was really valuable to us...coz the past will be stayed always be the past...and it will never turn back again even one more time...
As my friend 'fizah' said: 'Aku minta kpd TUHAN stangkai bunga segar,DIA beri kaktus berduri..Aku minta kupu-kupu,diberi ulat berbulu..Aku sedih dan kecewa...Namun kaktus itu berbunga, indah sekali..Dan ulat itupn menjadi kupu-kupu yg cantik..Itulah jalan TUHAN indah pada masanya!' =)
ALLAH tidak memberi apa yg kita harapkan tetapi DIA memberi ape yg kita perlukan..Kadang2 kita sedih, kecewa dan terluka..Tetapi jauh diatas sana sudah tersedia apa yg terbaik buat kita.. Dan ALLAH telah mengatur segala yg terbaik untuk kita kerana setiap aturan ALLAH itu indah dan cantik bila tiba masanya...INSHA ALLAH....=)
I thank you to all my friends who those always give me a support..You're always at my back and I'm always beside you!!! =)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Act,i bkn nak cite psl pinggan mangkuk tp about some people t'msuk i sendiri yg suke pggil org 'mangkuk'...Bg u all mst pggilan tu kurang sedap di dengar n not too polite kn2???hehehe..
Tp bg i kan pggln tu 'cute' !!!hehehehe..,Comel je bile dengar...it sounds like cuteeee nyeerrr...nice! heee~=)
Example ~
A says: mangkuk syg!!! =)
B says: ea saye....=)
A says: awk nie comel...cam mangkuk...hehehehe..=)
B says: yeke!trime kasih awk...sye suke pggln tu...comel!!! =)
Tp i tawu xsume org suke..tp xpela nie juz pendapat je..yg penting i xde niat pun nak mmpersendakn org lain cume nak gurau2 je ok! =)
Monday, July 26, 2010
I Have a Dream...
To help me cope, with anything
If you see the wonder, of a fairytale
You can take the future, even if you fail
I believe in angels, something good in everything I see
I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream
Oh yeah
I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through, reality
And my destitation, makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness, still another mile
I believe in angels, something good in everything I see
I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope, with anything
If you see the wonder, of a fairytale
You can take the future, even if you fail
I believe in angels, something good in everything I see
I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream
I'll cross the stream
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Never Surrender
You're scared to see yourself
Do you know what it's like when
You wish you were someone else
Who didn't need your help to get by
Do you know what it's like
To wanna surrender
I don't wanna feel like this tomorrow
I don't wanna live like this today
Make me feel better
I wanna feel better
Stay with me here
And never surrender
Do you now what it's like when
You're not who you wanna be
Do you know what it's like to
Be your own worst enemy
Who sees the things in me I can't hide
Do you know what it's like to wanna surrender
Make me feel better
You make me feel better
You make me feel better
Put me back together
sung by: Skillet
Spaghetti Ingredients
Jiwang Quotes
2. ''Anggaplah manusia yang mencintaimu itu lebih baik dari kamu, kerana dia membuat dirimu berhasrat menjadi bertambah baik, tetapi janganlah kamu kecewa apabila kamu gagal kerana dia akan membuatmu untuk terus mencuba".
3. Cara untuk menyintai sesuatu ialah menyedari kehilangannya.-Nestor Gallardo-
4. Cinta adalah perbuatan memaafkan yang tiada akhir dengan wajah yang lembut menjadi tabiatnya.-Peter Ustinoua-
5. Cintai hati yang melukaimu, tetapi jangan sesekali melukai hati yang mencintaimu.-Vipin Sharma-
6. ''Hanya seminit untuk mencari insan istimewa, Sejam untuk menghargainya, Sehari untuk menyintainya, Tetapi seumur hidup untuk melupakannya.''
7. Cinta bukan hadir secara tiba-tiba..Ia datang dengan kesedaran dan latihan, sepertimana bermain piano @ golf. Anda berpeluang untuk melatih dirimu, setiap yang mereka temui, itulah sesi latihan anda.-Sara Paddison-
8. Kebenaran cinta bukan datang dengan mencari kesempurnaan seseorang tetapi belajar untuk mencari kesempurnaan dalam kekurangannya.-Jason Jordan-
9. Menemui diri sendiri dalam orang lain adalah cinta, kegembiraannya ialah penghargaan atasnya.-Alexander Smith-
10. Meletakkan kebahagiaan kita sebagai kebahagiaan untuk seseorang, itulah namanya cinta.-G.W.Von Leibnitz-
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Life Quotes
~Setiap yang kita sangkakan baik itu tidak semestinya baik dan setiap yang kita sangkakan buruk itu tidak semestinya buruk malah ia lebih baik.
~Apa saja yang baik berlaku pada kita, nikmati ia seadanya. Tetapi jika apa-apa juga yang tidak baik berlaku pada kita, usah terlalu sedih coz nobody knows about anything and sometimes it will be unexpected..
~Sesetengah perkara memang menyakitkan tetapi kita harus sedar bukan semua yang menjadi kesukaan kita itu baik untuk kita, kadang-kadang yang kita benci itulah sumber kebahagiaan kita manakala yang kita sukai itu pula punca masalah kita.
~Segala ujian dan cabaran yang kita lalui sebenarnya telah dibekalkan kekuatan untuk kita menghadapinya kerana Allah tidak akan sesekali menguji seseorang itu di luar batas kemampuannya.
~Pengalaman selalu mematangkan seseorang, pengajaran seringkali melukakan tetapi selalu memberikan kesempurnaan dalam sebuah perjalanan kehidupan seseorang.
Teman Sejati
Selama ini ku mencari-cari,
Anugerah Ilahi
Cara Rasulullah s.a.w Melayan Anak-anak
Rasulullah s.a.w seorang yg amat menyayangi anak-anak. Baginda bukan saja mengasihi anak2 malah baginda sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan anak2 yg di dampinginya.
Suatu hari Rasullah sedang berehat sambil memangku Hassan r.a, maka seorang anak kecil bernama Usamah bin Zaid masuk, lalu baginda mendudukkan Usamah dipangkuannya juga. Usamah tersenyum dan kelihatan wajahnya begitu gembira.
Kemudian Rasulullah merapatkan kedua pehanya laluberdoa yg maksudnya:
''Ya! Allah kasihanilah kedua-dua anak ini, kerana aku mengasihani mereka berdua."
Seperti kebiasaannya, Hassan r.a duduk di pangkuan datuknya, sedangkan di hadapan baginda ada beberapa orang tamu lalu baginda mencium Hassan r.a.
Salah seorang tetamu berkata:
''Sesungguhnya aku mempunyai sepuluh orang anak tetapi aku tidak pernah pun mecium salah seorang drpd mereka."
Mendengar ucapan itu Rasulullah s.a.w memandang kepadanya sambil berkata:
''Orang yg tidak memiliki rasa kasih sayang, tidak akan dikasihi Allah S.W.T."
Salah satu bukti lagi Rasulullah s.a.w sangat mengasihi kanak-kanak ialah baginda bersabda:
''Ketika aku hendak mengerjakan sembahyang akan bermaksud sembahyang berlama-lama, tiba-tiba aku mendengar tangisan seorang anak, lalu aku pendekan sembahyangku, kerana aku sedar betapa harunya perasaan seorang ibu mendengar tangisan anaknya."
Salah seorang sahabat Rasulullah s.a.w mempunyai seorang anak yg masih kecil yg dipanggil Abu Umairah r.a. Setiap kali Rasulullah s.a.w bertemu dgn anak-anak itubaginda mengajaknya bergurau mesra.
Pada suatu hari Rasulullah s.a.w berkunjung ke rumah Abu Umairah r.a dan baginda melihat anak itu sedang bersedih. Maka Rasulullah s.a.w bertanya kpd keluarganya:
Mengapa Abu Umairah r.a ini tidak riang seperti biasa?"
Mereka menjawab:
''Burung kawannya bermain telah mati."
Rasulullah s.a.w terus mendekatinya dan memujuknya.
Sikap lemah lembut Rasulullah s.a.w terhadap anak-anak harus dicontohi, kerana anak-anak itu telah di amanahkan kpd kedua ibu bapa agar mereka mencorak kehidupan setiap anak itu sebaik mungkin.
*Jika kanak-kanak gembira dan tersenyum atas layanan dan pemberian kita, ia umpama satu doa untuk kita...^_^
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Nice Quotes
1. i never think of the future-it comes soon enough.
2. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happend.
3. Love like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules. Then you must learn to play from the heart.
4. If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, i will stay there forever.
5. You will only find on true love in your life, and if you're lucky you will get to spend the rest of your life with him.
6. Learn as if you were going to live forever. Life as if you were going to die tomorrow.
7. The only thing in life achieved without effort is failure.
8. A best friend like a four leaf clover hard to find and lucky to have.
9. It is by chance we meet, by choice we became friends.
10. If my friends were jump of a building, i wouldn't jump with them-but i would be at the bottom to catch them.
11. Don't walk infront of me, i may not follow;don't walk behind me, i may not lead;walk beside me and be my friend.
12. A friend is person who knows all about you and still love you just the same.
13. The grand essentials to happiness in this life is something to do, something to love and something to hope for.
14. Life is not problem to be solved, but the reality to be experienced.
15. If you like something, take it and make it better.
16. Patience is not a virtue, it is a waste of time.
17. A friend is someone who has the same enemies you have.
18. What you give, u get back.
19. Honesty is the best policy.
2o. Time heals heart wounds.
* Kita tdk akan tahu apakah seseorang itu ikhlas sebab kejujuran itu milik peribadi, hanya diketahui oleh tuan punya diri. Kita ikhlas tetapi tiada siapa yang tahu sejauh mana keikhlasan kita. Orang lain juga jujur tetapi kita tidak akan tahu sejauh mana kejujurannya.. -[honesty is the best policy]-
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
You're The Inspiration...
The kind of love that lasts forever
And I need you here with me
From tonight until the end of time
You should know, everywhere I go
You're always on my mind,
in my heart In my soul
You're the meaning in my life
You're the inspiration
You bring feeling to my life
You're the inspiration
Wanna have you near me
I wanna have you hear me sayin'
No one needs you more than I need you
And I know, yes I know that it's plain to see
We're so in love when we're together
And I know that I need you here with me
From tonight until the end of time
You should know, everywhere I go
Always on my mind, in my heart
In my soul
You're the meaning in my life
You're the inspiration
You bring feeling to my life
You're the inspiration
Wanna have you near me
I wanna have you hear me sayin'
No one needs you more than I need you...
copy n paste by: atin
Your Guardian Angel
When I see your smile
Tears run down my face
I can't replace
And now that I'm strong
I have figured out
How this world turns cold
and it breaks through my soul
And I know I'll find
deep inside me
I can be the one
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Seasons are changing
And waves are crashing
And stars are falling all for us
Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
I can show you I'll be the one
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
Cuz you're my, you're my, my, my true love, my whole heart
Please don't throw that away
Cuz I'm here for you
Please don't walk away and
Please tell me you'll stay, stay
Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay
Though my skies are turning gray
I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven
I will never let you fall..
I will stand up with you forever....
inspired by: Nabila Niirkira Majnin
[thanks Bell...]
* I will never let u fall, i will stand up with u forever...
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Terima kasih..=))